Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We Survived Hurricane Ike

We Survived the hurricane. We survived with out power, we survived without internet services. Ike did cause some damage but nothing we can't overcome.

During the Hurricane our online store stayed up and running and taking orders. We are working long hours to play catch up and clean up knowing we are all grateful because it could have been much worse as it was for so many.

To our customers we want to offer our Thanks for your patience while we were not able to work during the time the power was down. Thanks for your patience in waiting for your candles to arrive and us to make your candle as soon as we received power again.

We are blessed because we survived the hurricane, we have our health, our families are safe and we have the best candle customers.

So now that we are all back at work and getting back into our normal lives again Fall is now just around the corner. The Fall and Holiday season are the perfect time to get your scented candles in your favorite holiday and fall scents.

We offer over 400+ scents, you will find some wonderful fall/holiday scents you will adore and love to burn during the season. Start your fall/holiday candle shopping TODAY. Shop now for the strongest scented, most super scented candles you will love to burn!